We all understand that gambling is addictive, in reality, addiction has existed for almost as long as the human race has existed on its own… and the main reason is that we are human. Which implies that we are prone to all kinds of pit falls and poor practices that our animal cousins are fortunate enough to prevent.
But there’s a valid reason for this, it’s not because those who get addicted are “poor” individuals, or “weak” individuals, or something nearly as easy as that–our brains are very complicated instruments, and they work around patterns we learn. It’s key to understand this so that when we are looking at the new bingo sites list at Boomtown Bingo, we are in control of our habit.
Those habits can either be good or bad in nature, and the poor patterns are patterns that we try to prevent at all expenses by educating ourselves as to what is actually bad for us.
For example if someone is holding a knife in a threatening was, we know that the best thing to do is avoid them. At the top of a very tall building we know that you shouldn’t stand too close to the edge.
When we jab our finger on a needle, it hurts so we know not to do this again in future. This same concept also applies when you are doing something that you enjoy, we actively try to constantly follow this activity so that we can experience the positive energy it offers over and over again.
This beneficial sensation stems from the release of endorphins within our brain, and the release of endorphins makes us feel REALLY good–so naturally, anything that leads to this discharge is then considered by the brain to be a “healthy” activity, and as such, we are trying to repeat it at every accessible event.
The issue with this is that endorphin release DOES makes us feel good, but it’s not exclusive to actions that are GOOD for us. So in brief, as a consequence, you can effectively participate in an adverse activity and have a beneficial impact on the mind.
That’s how and why gambling addiction ends up taking place, we could constantly play bingo and lose, in reality, that’s the most probable result with most games… but you’ll come close to that jack pot once in a while. Your brain understands you’ll feel great when you win the jackpot, and as a consequence you’ll be constantly chasing it.
Even coming close to winning brings you close enough to the objective of getting a significant endorphin release similar to a legitimate victory you’d find. In other words, the thrill is almost as exciting as the self-winning victory.
When you think about it, whether you win or lose, you still release a steady stream of endorphins that often tell your brain that the exercise in hand gives your mind an experience it wishes to maintain repeating.
Getting into debt doesn’t matter, because you’re going to STILL crave the endorphin release you’ve come to enjoy in an effort to ease yourself from the adverse energy you feel as a consequence of cash disturbances.
See how simple it is? It’s a vicious cycle that just keeps feeding into itself and sustaining its own eco system–don’t make the error of believing that all medications are narcotic-based or come in the form of pills.
The human body is fully capable of synthesizing its own powerful highs that will keep you coming back for more irrespective of the conditions in which you may be. Play with what you can afford to play with and learn to distinguish yourself from your brain signals.
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